CT Lottery SMS Text Messages
The CT Lottery is happy to provide free* real-time text alerts of winning numbers delivered right to your mobile device.
Just let us know which games you are interested in - Powerball®, Mega Millions®, Lotto!, Lucky for Life®,
Cash5, Play3 or Play4 and we will make sure you get the winning numbers delivered to you.
*Please note that while the text alerts are free, standard text messaging rates apply. Text messages are for informational purposes only.
To UPDATE or UNSUBSCRIBE at any time, click on the "Update/Unsubscribe" button shown below and follow the instructions.
To SUBSCRIBE, just follow these simple steps:

Fill in your Mobile Number, select your Service Provider, and click the “Get Confirmation Code” button.
Please note that not all Service Providers (Example: Sprint) support the technology required in order to receive CT Lottery text alerts.

Once you receive a text message with the confirmation code, enter it here and proceed to step 3.

Send me winning numbers information for the following games:
At least one notification must be selected.